Admissions Process

Initial Application

  1. Parents who wish to enrol their children at Community Christian school may initiate the process by making an appointment with the Principal for an educational consultation, followed by a school tour. This can be done by emailing, emailing the Principal, or calling the school at 613-821-3669.

  2. Read and understand our Constitution.

  3. Download our Application Forms.

  4. Submit a completed application form, your child's last two report cards, and the $500 application fee (see below) to the school office.

  5. An assessment of the child(ren)'s learning ability will be completed by the appropriate staff member.

  6. The Principal will then review everything and communicate approval status of the application.


Upon Acceptance

  1. Parents will complete a registration package and tuition pledge forms.

  2. Upon approval, the new student(s) may be invited to attend an orientation day (if registering in the Spring for the Fall, this normally takes place in June).

  3. A person or persons from the Membership Committee will meet with parents to address any questions and perform a membership review. Please note that membership in our school association is separate from enrollment of your child(ren).

  4. The membership application will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and approval status will be communicated to parents.


Application Fee

A $500.00 application fee applies to all new applications and must be received by the school office before the application will be considered. Should your application be denied for any reason, this fee will be returned to you. If it is accepted and you choose to withdraw from the registration process, the deposit is non-refundable. Once accepted, the deposit will be credited towards your tuition amount for the coming school year.

Please note that the application for enrolment and the application for membership will be considered separately. Please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time as questions arise.