Is It Enough?

By Rita Bergsma  |  February 7th

Think back to the October Edvance Annual Gathering and Dr. David Smith’s retelling of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Dr. Smith invited us to consider this story from the viewpoint of the Samaritan woman, in light of her circumstances in the cultural climate of the times. This story, as framed by the cultural understanding provided by Dr. Smith, paints a picture of a woman who did not feel a sense of belonging in her community.

Henri J.M. Nouwen describes hospitality as “the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them a space where change can take place.” Jesus created this space where change could begin; Dr. Smith and Henri Nouwen prod us to go deeper.

I would like to suggest that extending hospitality is the beginning, and belonging is the desired outcome that we long for within our school communities. And that, creating a sense of belonging in our communities is tied to the “tables” we set.

Consider Kristen Schell. Like most Christians, she had her checklist of protocols that she faithfully practised in an effort to be hospitable and Christ-like in her neighbourhood and draw others in. The impact over time was minimal, and her interactions with others did not expand beyond the same group of like-minded people. One day, Kristen dared to ask a key question of God and herself, “Is it enough?”

The challenge and need to think outside of the box became real for Kristen. She took a look at her “table” and decided that she needed to change, to create a space where “aliens and strangers” could gather. Instead of drawing others in, she decided to put herself out. She painted her picnic table bright turquoise and moved it from the backyard to her front yard where it was highly visible. As she was able, Kristen would conduct her daily routines outside at her table and greet others as they walked by. She remained open to ideas, and added a water bowl, treats, and a leash tied to her picnic table. It wasn’t long before dogs were dragging their people to her table. This odd-looking turquoise table became a gathering place—a place where I can imagine the Samaritan woman being welcomed and over time developing a sense of belonging in this space and community.

In November, I was blessed to hear Dr. Richard Mouw speak at Calvin College. He described our purpose as first to glorify God, and then, in so doing, to behold. Dr. Mouw described the act of beholding as a kind of seeing, guided by the light of Christ’s love and the truth of His words and actions to help us design and set our tables in order to bring deep meaning to love. He continued by asking, “Do we, can we, lead our schools and teach our students to behold all people as God’s works of art, albeit shattered and broken?”

So, the question is: What does your table look like? Is it enough? Does it only invite others in or are you willing to go out? Do you behold all people as works of art?

Perhaps this raises more questions than answers, but these are critical questions to keep in the forefront as our communities and schools move from spaces of hospitality to spaces of belonging.

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Ps. 119:105

Rita Bergsma is the Seaway Valley Cohort Leader and Principal at Community Christian School in Metcalfe, Ontario.

CCS Students Join "Sing Together"


So thankful that CCS students had the opportunity to join the “sing together" virtual choir by adding their voices to that of over 300 students from 45 Edvance Christian Schools. This beautiful praise offering affirms that our lives are built on a firm foundation rooted in Jesus Christ, the cornerstone! 

“Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim His salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.” – 1 Chronicles 16:23-24

CCS Building Closed


The Ontario government is closing all publicly funded schools across the province due to concerns about COVID-19. Community Christian School will be closed until June 19. 

The Ontario government said the move is “necessary to keep people safe" and based on the advice of Dr. David Williams, Ontario's chief medical officer of health.

“We recognize the significant impact this decision will have on families, students, schools, as well as the broader community, but this precaution is necessary to keep people safe," the premier's office said in a statement.

Your children will bring home necessary materials to continue distance learning. Further instruction will be sent out by staff via email. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Bergsma. 

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. For more information, visit our COVID-19 Update page.

French & Music Homeschooling Workshops



Registration now closed.

Community Christian School in Metcalfe, Ontario is excited to introduce the newest addition to our Learning Links Programs - French and Music Homeschooling Workshops. CCS will partner with parents in the fields of music and in French as a second language. Our workshops for homeschooled children will be taught by certified teachers with small group sizes to ensure a high-quality experience for your child/ren. Parents will receive outlines of long-range plans and learning objectives for each workshop and students who complete the workshops will receive a certificate of achievement at the end of each session.

To download our registration form, click the button below! Questions? Email

Ready, Set, Kindergarten!

The may 2020 program has been cancelled in response to government directives regarding covid 19.

Ready, Set, Kindergarten is a 4-week program for children turning 4 in 2020. Through fun crafts, stories, songs, games and learning activities, your child will develop the fine motor, literacy, and math readiness skills to prepare him or her for a SUPER start in kindergarten. This program is taught by a certified teacher. Along with the fun, children will get to experience many elements of school life. They will: 

  • Hear Bible stories about "Super Hero" characteristics that God can develop in us (e.g. bravery, kindness, etc.)

  • Play with and learn the letters in their name

  • Work with numbers

  • Develop fine motor skills like cutting, printing, and colouring

  • Participate in fun activities in the gym

  • Bring and enjoy a snack from home

  • Have their own cubby to hang their coat and backpack in

This program is designed for children turning 4 this calendar year. Your child can participate in Ready, Set, Kindergarten even if you do not have plans to enrol your child in our school this fall. Cost is $90, and the program will be limited to 10 children. For more info about this program, email us at

Huge Indoor Garage Sale!

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Saturday, February 29, 8 AM – 12 PM

CCS is hosting our HUGE Indoor Garage Sale and you’re invited! We gladly welcome donations of gently used household items. We are, however, not able to accept electronics such as computers/TVs.

Donations can be dropped off Thursday, February 27 from 3 PM–4 PM or Friday, February 28 from 8 AM–12 PM at our location (2681 Glen Street, Metcalfe). For more information call 613-821-3669 or send us an email at

Christmas Concert Highlights



Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Christmas Concert! The evening was a tremendous success! We are very thankful to everyone who worked hard to help make our evening come together. Below are just a few highlights from our Christmas concert!

Join us for Estate Planning 101


Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

Learn how you support Community Christian School by estate planning through Christian Stewardship Services and the Christian School Foundation. All age groups can benefit from an Estate Plan. Without a sound plan, government and the courts may have a say, but with a current plan it’s your way!

This Estate Planning seminar will be held on Monday, December 9 at 7 PM at Redeemer Christian High School.

To learn more about this Estate Planning seminar, you can download the PDF here.

Guests can RSVP Looking forward to seeing you there!

Christmas is Coming – Order Your Poinsettia!


A Gift for the Christmas Season

Poinsettias are a great Christmas gift that last the entire Christmas season. They are a beautiful, traditional flower that will brighten up any room for the holiday season, ideal for your co-workers, friends, and family. In the past, recipients have been very pleased with the quality of these plants.

There are several sizes of poinsettia plants available, as well as a tropical planter and a tabletop centrepiece. For details, including sizes and costs, download our 2019 Poinsettia Order Form!

Please consider helping to make a difference in our school’s community this Christmas season! Please contact the school to order and to arrange for pickup and delivery.

Pies & Crisps Ready for Sale



Many thanks to our volunteers who helped make hundreds of apple pies are crisps this past week! Without so many helpers and participants, it would have been impossible to do. The exciting news is that these delicious desserts are ready for sale!

Apple Pies ………………. $12

Apple Crisps ……..……. $10

For more information call us at (613) 821-3669, email us at or stop by the school!

Register Your Child for Fall 2019

It's never too early or too late to consider educational options for your child. If you would like a tour of our facility, have some questions answered, or observe a class in session, please phone the school at 613-821-3669 or email to make arrangements to come visit us. We'd also love to have you join us for Wednesday morning chapel. Our staff can speak with you about our programming, and what it means to teach from a Christian worldview.

Spending time with us is the best way to discover what makes Community Christian School special!

CCS accepts students at any point during the school year. For more information on our application process, view our Admissions process here.

When you come in for a visit, please be sure to ask us about tuition assistance possibilities. Have a question? Send us an email at

Celebration of Learning - April 11, 2019

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You’re invited! We welcome parents, grandparents, friends, and anyone interested in knowing more about our school to join us for our Celebration of Learning. This is a morning where you will see first-hand all the wonderful learning happening at CCS.


9:30 a.m. Arrival - Coffee, tea and snacks.
10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Program in gymnasium. Each class will perform or make a presentation.
11 a.m. - noon - Tour around the school and view science fair and other projects.
12 noon - 1 p.m. Lunch in our gymnasium.

Our Celebration of Learning is like an open house, so everyone is welcome. However, if you are planning to stay for lunch please RSVP at 613-821-3669 or email

New Intensive French Program

Grades 5 & 6

Community Christian School continues to offer the Intensive French Program introduced in Grades 5 and 6 in September 2018.

Studies have shown that hearing and speaking for long periods of time is an effective way to learn a second language. Students in Grades 5 and 6 participate in a French language theme-based oral program for two hours each morning. Students begin their day hearing and speaking French, guided by the teacher who models the language through a variety of activities designed to engage students and develop their oral vocabulary. The program is designed for all students to meet with success as they learn the French language and become accustomed to speaking and reading it. Our Grade 5 and 6 Intensive French program is not an immersion program, as students are not being taught specific subjects in French. Rather, the program teaches French much the same way a young child would learn to understand, speak, and write English by conversing in a natural way while participating in class discussions, devotions and prayer, creating art, or practicing music skills.

Grades 5–8

Since our Grades 5 and 6 French program was a success in 2018-19 and we have more students who are comfortable speaking French, it was important to provide the opportunity for further growth in reading, writing, and speaking skills to students ready for the next steps. Select students in grades 5 through 8 receive additional French instruction three afternoons per week. Unlike the Intensive French program, where students are conversing in a natural way, students who choose to participate in our Integrated French program will be taught History and Geography in French, using French resources, and writing their assignments for these two subjects in French.

All our French instruction is taught by a certified educator, who is teaching the same History and Geography lessons and vocabulary to all students in this special class (grades 5-8) but much of their work is project-based and they will be assessed according to their grade level.

“We’re excited to offer an expanded French Program”, says Mrs. Bergsma, Principal. “The goal is to continue to strengthen students’ abilities in French and move beyond core French language instruction. In Eastern Ontario, being able to converse in both English and French is a huge asset.”

We continue to offer our strong core French program in all other grades, using the Accelerative Integrated Method in grades 1 through 4. Through participation in our French programs, students will be better prepared to meet the rigours of high school French classes.

If you have any questions about our French programs, you can contact our Principal, Mrs. Rita Bergsma by emailing us at

Video Message from our Principal

Community Christian School is grateful for Rita Bergsma's inovative ideas and enthusiasm for Christian education in her role as Interim Principal. Rita received her Bachelor of Education from Calvin College in Michigan and has over thirty years of teaching experience. For the past seventeen years, she has taught a variety of subjects to all grades at CCS, but has spent most of her time in grades 7 & 8. She continues to teach core subjects to grades 7 & 8, while also assuming the role of Principal. 

In this short video, Rita explains why CCS is ideal for parents and students looking for a Christ-centred education. 

CCS Auction: Saturday, April 13!

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Join us for our Live & Silent Auction – 9:30 am viewing, live auction starts at 10 am, location is Metcalfe Fire Hall, Victoria Street, Metcalfe, ON.

This biannual fundraiser will have something for everyone! Come and bid on  items that are perfect for your home, your garden, your farm, your kids, your stomach (food!) and of course, for you. This is a super fun day for everyone in the community. Bring your family and friends and have a great time while supporting our school. There is a food canteen on site and you can view our Auction Catalog here!

If you have items you would like to donate to this auction, please call our school office at 613-821-3669 or email us at

Join In Our Apple Pie Making Event

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To our supportive volunteers and those considering helping us! This year we are hosting our annual pie making event before Thanksgiving to help with our sales. Please join us THIS Friday and Saturday to help make those delicious pies and crisps!

We will provide drinks, refreshments and homemade lunch to all who come. Everyone welcomed - experienced or not! Withouth you, it would be impossible to have such a successful fundraiser!

For more information, contact us - Community Christian School 2681 Glen Street, Metcalfe, ON 613-821-3669 See you there!

You're Invited to our 2019 Graduation!



You’re invited to attend our Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony Wednesday, June 19 at 7:00 PM! This year’s theme, “Rooted in Truth” comes from Jeremiah 17:8 and incorporates the idea ‘walking in faith’. We are so excited to see you all there and are so proud of this year’s graduates! Join us in celebrating their momentous achievement!

For more information about our Graduation Ceremony, please call our school office at 613-821-3669 or email us at